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“Hobe” is what you say in Rwanda to welcome and embrace people into the community, it means “hug”. Hobe Coffee is a rather new company, located in the Rutsiro Distric in the western region at Kivu Lake, owned by Arsene Mustafali. The Coffee Washing Station and the zoning already existed (under the name Cyondo WS) but was sold in 2020. Since then, Arsene Mustafali and his station manager John Claude have done a lot with their young and dynamic team: new parabolic shelves and new tanks for processes have been built and electricity has been established. The quality of Hobe`s coffee is very impressing! Hobe offers Fully Washed, Natural, Honey and Anaerobic coffees.
Impact on taste: The combination of anaerobic fermentation and a natural process produces a coffee with a very rich aroma and clear fruity notes.


Price inc. VAT 3%

Rwanda - Hobe Coffee

VAT Included
  • Origin

    Country: Rwanda

    Region: Rutsiro District

    Washing Station: Cyondo

    Altitude: 1750 m

    Producer: Arsene Mustafali

  • Coffee Bean

    Species: Arabica

    Variety: Bourbon

    Process: Nautral processed - Anaerobic fermentation

    Crop: 2023/24

  • Taste & Score

    Roast Type: FilterCoffee, Slow Coffee

    Notes: almond, black currant, strawberry, black tea, caramel, milk chocolate, vanilla, winey

    SCA Score: 85,75