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348 farmers from the Jaén region, Peru belong to the Asociación Café del Futuro. The Asociación was founded in 2007 and stands for high-quality coffees with selected varieties and a strong focus on certified coffee. In the last few decades, the Jaén region has developed into a coffee monoculture, which has resulted in farmers now being heavily dependent on food from other regions. With government restrictions on Corona containment, transportation costs and food prices have increased.


Many families struggled with food security during the corona pandemic, which reduced their livelihoods. Many farmers at Café del Futuro were also affected by this.


With your and our support, we want to create a sustainable solution that improves the livelihood of 105 coee-producing families in this region. Families are to be provided with home vegetable gardens (10 raised beds per family) to both increase food security and promote agricultural practices.


**Autentica Coffee Selection

With this Autentica coffee you can enjoy a very high quality coffee. It's score is 83.75 SCA points and it's emphasis is on the identity and the authenticity, which makes it so special and so different. Availability will follow the crop calendar for medium quantities but with continuity.


Price inc. VAT 3%

Peru Cafè del Futuro Fairtrade*

VAT Included
  • Origin

    Country: Peru

    Region: Cajamarca, Jaén                             

    Farm: Asociación Café del Futuro

    Altitude: 1700 m                       

  • Coffee Bean

    Species: Arabica

    Variety: Mundo Novo, Bourbon, Caturra & Catimor

    Process: Washed

    Crop: 2021/2022

    Certification:  Fairtrade contributes to sustainable development for certified producers by enabling fairer trading conditions, social change and environmental protection. Coffee is Fairtrade certified, traded, audited and sourced from Fairtrade producers, total 100%. For more information visit

  • Taste & Score

    Roast Type: Filter, Fully Automatic Coffee Machine

    Notes: Nougat, Mandarine, Bergamot, Caramel

    SCA Score: 84,5

    Selection: Autentica**